Sold $33,000.00 2018 NEXT Equine Wireless DR portable X-ray with older Generator
NEXT Equine Wireless DR portable X-ray with older generator
Year: DR - 2018
Year: Generator- 2005 (we purchased it used)
Excellent Working Condition
Brand: Sound
Dimensions - 20”x12”x5” - Hard case X-ray is mounted in
Approx. Weight: 35 lbs
Equipment still have a warranty? Seller called sound. The warranty is up at the end of June. They said that can be transferred to the new owner. After that, we would be required to pay a new service contract if we wish to continue with another service contract. They indicated the new owner will need to do the same. To be clear, per sound, the warranty is up at end of June, so July will require new contract. Buyer's should check with Sound upon interest in purchasing.
Reason for Sale: Large animal vet no longer with practice, We had a loaner and by the time we got this unit our large animal vet had left our practice.
This unit was never used.
Generator is used, but works well.
SOUND would not allow us to return the X-ray.
The Plastic is still on the unit and the manuals.
We no longer need the equipment and are looking to offset some of its cost. Unit is not owned outright.
X-ray cost was $55,400 when we bought it.
MAKE OFFER - Open to reasonable offer
State of Seller: CA