/GE LOGIQ E NEXTGEN (R7) Ultrasound
Year of item: 2017
Excellent Working Condition
When Was This Item Last Used? Today
Dimensions - Width, Length, Height: 21” x 16” x 12”
Approx. Weight: 34 lb
Reason for Sale: Retiring from veterinary medicine
NEXTGen LOGIQ e Vet is a high-performance solid-state compact ultrasound system. Next GEN represents the miniaturization of GE’S premium beam former for portable point of care applications.
Now ultra-high frequency imaging can be performed in remote locations with ease.
A complete set of modes with a wide range of available probes provide support for all applications.
A long list of advanced features and probes are available on the LOGIQ e NEXTGen. The 12L-RS probe provides stunning near field imaging for tendons, ligaments, and joints. The C1-5-RS convex transducer is perfect for imaging the thorax, abdomen, pelvis, and spine.
Needle recognition software assists with accurate needle placement for therapeutic procedures, aspirations, or biopsies. Hi-Rez PDI provides anatomically accurate vessel visualization through the use of pattern recognition technology for precise interventional procedures.
Flow quantitative analysis allows quantitative assessment of blood flow in tissues, which is effective for oncological therapy assessments.
Standard features include advanced imaging technology for crisp, clean, clear images.
A complete set of modes are standard, including B mode, M mode, PW Doppler, Color Doppler, and standard Power Doppler. LOGIQview, Follow-up Tool with Fusion and eSmart trainer are part of the package.
DICOM software, wireless image transfer and storage provide industry standard image capture formats.
Asking Price $ 15,000 Price reduced!
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State of Seller: NC