Sold - $500.00 S#153 Cameron-Miller 80-1983 Electrosurgical (Cautery) Generator with accessories--Complete set --$650 (Offers Accepted)

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S#153 Cameron-Miller 80-1983 Electrosurgical (Cautery) Generator with accessories--Complete set --$650 (Offers Accepted)

Year of item - - - - - Unknown

Condition of Item - - - - Excellent Working Condition

Brand Name of Item - - - - - Cameron-Miller

Width, Length, Height - - - - - 13" x 6" x 4"

Approx. Weight - - - - - 5lbs

Reason for Sale - - - - - No Longer Needed

This is a cautery/electrosurgery unit that is in good operational condition.

• It does not have any scratches or scuffs (Please refer to pictures)

• It does not have any dents.

• All knobs are solid and work.

• Power lights work.

• All wires no not have any cracks or tears.

This set includes:

• 3 single-use Mono-polar cautery pens. Additional pens can be purchased from animator distributor (ex. MWI, Patterson, Henry Shein). This unit can be used with any 3-prong cautery pens, both reusable and single use. Most popular is made by Bovie ( This unit will come with two sterile pencil and one opened (used for testing)

• Ground plate (return electrode)-- It was madden-houseand fully functional.

This unit is very well-made; it feels very solid, and it is a great example of the machinery designed to last!


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Seller is in New York