SOLD $1700 SOLD 2013 Macan Vetstar Electrosurgical Unit. Excellent Working Unit, Shipping included

Manufacture Year 2013

Condition: Above Average Working Condition

EQUIPMENT Brand: Macan Electrosurgery

When Was This Item Last Used? Still used (April 2024)

Dimensions - Width, Length, Height: 12"L x 10"Wx 5'H

Approx. Weight: 5lbs

Reason for Sale: We upgraded to a new unit

Description of Item: We have used this unit consistently for the past 5 years in daily surgery. The only reason we are selling is because we have a new unit we just got. This is a great first unit to start electrosurgery in your practice. It does not take up a lot of space and is a great easy addition to any surgery room. The unit has both a monopolar "pen" like option and bipolar "forcep" like handpiece. The unit comes with two of each handpiece and a number of different probe options all included. Shipping included as well.

Asking Price $ 1700

Shipping Options: Shipping is included in the price

Pricing Options: MAKE OFFER - Open to reasonable offer

State of Seller: Quebec, Canada


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