SOLD $70 SOLD Canine Dental Model


Canine Dental Model

Year of item: Unknown

Condition of Item: Excellent Working Condition

Brand of EQUIPMENT: MD Srt

Dimensions - Width, Length, Height: Base 9 1/2" X 5 1/2" X 1 1/2" : Model 5" X 3" X 2 1/4" : Total height 5"

Approx. Weight: Base 10 1/2 oz : Model 14 oz

Equipment still have a warranty? No

Reason for Sale: Clinic is closed

Description of Item: Dental model depicting normal teeth, missing teeth, worn teeth, tartar, gingivitis, periodontal disease, gingival recession. Teeth are not removable. Will sell the model without the base if you prefer. Great education tool.

Price: $70

Shipping Options: Shipping is included in the price

State of Seller: Minnesota

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