SOLD $2250 SOLD 2012 Luminex Laser

Lightly used Luminex Laser

Bought new in 2013

Year of item: 2012

Above Average Working Condition

Respond Lasers

When Was This Item Last Used? 07/2022

Dimensions - 9", 7.5", 3.5"

Approx. Weight: 5.5 lbs

Included in sale:

  • Luminex Laser Therapy System
  • Probe 867nm 500MW
  • Option for 3 different power settings: 500MW, 250MW, 100MW
  • Probe acupuncture tip
  • Laser Probe - tested 10/2022
  • Power Supply - tested 10/2022
  • Shoulder Bag to hold all equipment

Lightly used Luminex Laser

Bought new in 2013

Luminex Version 6


Shipping is included in the price

State of Seller: Pennsylvania


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