SOLD $190 SOLD Breathe Safe Respiratory Monitor


Breathe Safe Respiratory Monitor

Year of item: 2019

Condition of Item: Excellent Working Condition

Brand of EQUIPMENT: Jorvet

Dimensions - Width, Length, Height: 1/2″W x 21/4″L x 11/2″D Approx. Weight: 3 oz

Reason for Sale: Purchased Doppler for monitoring

Equipment still have a warranty? No

Description of Item: The small microprocessor beeps with every breath with a very high sensitivity.

– Easy to use: just connect between endotracheal tube and anesthesia circuit – No adjustments: a sophisticated algorithm recognizes and indicates every breath with a beep, working from a 1 lb. kitten to a 200 lb. St. Bernard. – Apnea alert; a distinctive alert sounds if patient fails to breathe for 45 seconds – Auto shut-off – A high density long-life lithium battery provides years of service

Asking Price: 190.00

Shipping Options: Shipping is included in the price

Pricing Options: PRICED TO SELL NOW - not taking offers

State of Seller: OR RC2HMA

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