SOLD for $4500 MMP Kit (Large breed) - seller in UK

List of sold items: MMP Large Breed: full kit with 6 trial wedges (6mm - 13.5mm), saw guide (with full set of location pins), wedge introducer, drill bits and wire bender (with staple drill guide) - all in autoclavable case MMP Small Breed: wedge introducer with saw guide (including full set of locating pins) Ridge Stop: full kit with templates, locating pins - all in autoclavable case. Implants: RS20LLRM X 2, RS20LMRLN X 2, RS25LMRL X 2, RS25LLRM X 1.

Condition of Equipment Above Average Condition

How old is equipment 2 Years

Brand name Orthomed

Dimensions - width, length, height, weight 15/19/10.5 cm Approx. weight is: 2k

Reason for sale No longer needed

Description of item for sale: - - Full Orthomed MMP kit in dedicated carrying case

Price - - - £2025

Shipping costs --- Shipping is EXTRA

Seller is in City / State of: West Yorkshire Huddersfield U.K

Concerning the price --- Make OFFER - Reasonable offers will be considered