Sold - $325.00 includes shipping - Dental Piezo Scaler
/Dental Piezo scaler iM3 Piezo scaler - model P4
Average Working Condition
Brand Name of Item: iM3
Dimensions - 3.5 X 5 X 9
Reason for Sale: Bought new machine
We just bought a clinic with an existing piezo scaler.
The scaler is functional and was being used regularly by the previous owner.
We bought a new integrated dental machine and just don't need the scaler anymore.
Original selling price was 985 plus 64.50 for the pressurized water bottle.
Machine was purchased in 2009.
$400 includes pressurized water bottle
Shipping is an extra cost.
MAKE OFFER - Reasonable offers will be considered.
Location of Item: Montreal, Quebec Canada