When buying used Abaxis equipment Please note:

The clinic that acquires the third-party equipment would need to register an account with Zoetis via https://zoetis-us.secure.force.com/newonlineaccount/apex/NOA_homepage#.

New customer accounts are handled by a division of our Customer Service department, if any help is needed to set up the account, there is a link to their contact information CustomerAccounts@zoetis.com 1-855-721-0078.

Once the account has been validated and set up, Technical Support would be able to provide phone support and software upgrades at no charge.

The Sediment Analyzer

The Sediment Analyzer current design requires field visit for software upgrade, installation, and certain troubleshooting specific to this analyzer can only be accomplished via onsite visit.

Please note with regards to the third party Sediment Analyzer, if there is a request for the Diagnostic Technical Specialist (field technical representative) to install or provide onsite technical support, customer would need to complete our reconditioning program which entails $2495 + applicable taxes.