Used Vet Equipment

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Sold for $500 S&H incI. Idexx LaserCyte

Idexx LaserCyte

Age of Item: 5 years old

Condition of Item: Average Working Condition

13 x 12.5 x 13

Approx. Weight: 30 pounds

Reason for Sale: Upgraded to ProCyte

We bought the item in 2011 and used it until last year when we upgraded to a ProCyte. It was used minimally during the time.

Shipping is included in price.


MAKE OFFER - Reasonable offers will be considered.

Hartwell, GA

In answer to a question the seller said: If they do not currently have IDEXX equipment, they will probably also need to purchase a Vet Lab Station to run the tests. If they can connect the unit to the internet, the results can be entered directly into their patients charts. Idexx also has an online component, so that you can access tests ran in house and at the lab. When we last used this machine it was about $7/ run. I don't think the prices have gone up much more.