Used Vet Equipment

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Sold $4000. Sold. 2004 PulseVet Versatron Shockwave

Used 2004 PulseVet Versatron Shockwave

Manufacture year: 2004

Above Average Working Condition


  • One 20mm trode (20mm trode penetrates 0-40 mm) 
  • Soft carrying case and hard case

It is ready to be used and it is capable for large animals and horses. But if you will be using it on small animals then I highly suggest buying the new XTrode from pulsevet. It is way less harsh on the patients.

Brand: Versatron

Last Used 06/01/2024

Dimensions - 21x12x21

Approx. Weight: 65

Reason for Sale: Not using

Pulsevet Versatron Extracorporeal Shock Wave machine:

The unit has 99K shocks, which is almost like new.

All new trodes are compatible and can be purchased through pulse vet ( including xtrode)

$4300 S&H included - Price Firm


Question: How many pulses are left on the hand piece?

Answer: I’m not exactly sure how many are left. Being honest, I would advise any buyer that they should plan on buying a new trode ( although this still works well). I wish I could give you a number, but I want to be transparent. 
Buying a new trode essentially gives you a machine that works like a brand new one. 

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