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Dog Elbow Callus Bleeding? Here’s What to Do About It

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Dog’s elbow pads can bleed for a variety of reasons. Some reasons include dermatitis, hygroma, and pyoderma. However, the most common reason for bleeding elbows is due to calluses. If the callus becomes dry, this will cause the skin to split open and that’s what causes the bleeding. 

There are several things you can do if your dog’s elbow calluses are bleeding. The best thing you can do is treat the skin with a soothing balm to help heal the dry skin and cracks. You can also help to prevent calluses by providing a soft area for your dog to lie and ensuring that your dog stays at a healthy weight. 

This article covers everything you need to know about dog elbow calluses, the signs to look out for, how to treat them, and the best ways to prevent them in the first place. 

What is a Dog Elbow Callus?

A dog elbow callus is a skin condition that affects around 20% of dogs. It can affect any breed of dogs but large dogs with short hair tend to be the biggest culprits. 

A callus is a condition where the skin gets thicker and more rough in a certain area due to pressure. The callus area is usually also be prone to balding, leaving the skin exposed. 

Elbow calluses are not usually painful or dangerous in dogs. However, they may sometimes become uncomfortable or itchy for some dogs. Also, the appearance of an elbow callus is quite unattractive. 

When dog elbow calluses are left untreated, the skin can split or crack which leads to bleeding. This can then go on to become infected so should be treated quickly. 

What Causes Dog Elbow Calluses?

Elbow calluses are usually caused by prolonged pressure. When a dog lies on a hard surface regularly, this causes pressure on certain parts of the body, mainly the elbows. 

Over time, the dog’s skin will thicken to protect the bones against this regular pressure. This then turns into a callus. 

Are Some Breeds More Likely to Get Calluses Than Others?

Some breeds are more likely to develop calluses than others. Giant and large breeds with short coats are the most likely dog breeds to develop elbow calluses. This is because large dog breeds tend to put more pressure on their joints when laying down. 

Below is a list of some of the most common dog breeds to develop elbow calluses:

  • Great Dane

  • Labrador Retriever

  • Mastiff

  • Rottweiler

Home Remedies for Dog Elbow Calluses

There are several home remedies that you can try if your dog is suffering from elbow calluses or if you want to avoid bleeding elbow calluses. Below is a list of the home remedies that are proven to work best:

  • Petroleum Jelly

  • Soft bedding

  • Vitamin E

Petroleum Jelly

Petroleum Jelly is made up of a mixture of mineral oils and waxes. This can work by sealing your dog’s skin with a protective barrier. This can help the skin retain its moisture level and can prevent the calluses from cracking, which causes bleeding. It also helps the skin to heal. 

When applying petroleum jelly, it’s essential that you reach all of the areas of the callus. Do this by massaging the jelly around your dog’s elbow, being sure to cover all areas. 

Soft Bedding

Dogs will often try to find a cool spot to lie down and go to sleep, so this is often why you find them asleep on tiles or hardwood floors. You should instead encourage your dog to sleep on a soft bed. The best way to do this is to place it in an area where they usually lie and make it seem appealing. 

Encourage him even further by giving him lots of praise and rewards whenever he lies on the soft bed. If your dog likes to lie on the hard floors outside during the summer, consider buying an elevated bed or cooling pads to protect your dog when they lay outside. 

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is great because it works by blocking free radicals and repairing the skin. You can mix Vitamin E oil into your dog’s food to ensure they consume it regularly. The most effective method though is to apply the oil directly to your dog’s skin. 

How to Prevent Elbow Bleeding in Dogs?

There are several things you can do to help prevent elbow bleeding in dogs. Below is a list of the things that work best for helping to avoid bleeding elbows in dogs:

  • Check the elbows regularly

  • Maintain a healthy weight

  • Moisturizing balm

  • Provide soft surfaces

  • Use callus prevention sleeves

Check The Elbows Regularly

Dog owners should check over their dog’s skin regularly to look for any signs of skin issues including calluses, cysts, or any irritated patches. This should be a common routine whether your dog has suffered from skin problems before or not. 

The earlier you can discover calluses, the easier they will be to treat and you can also avoid them getting worse and cracking. 

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Maintaining a healthy weight is essential for dogs, not only for their overall health but also to prevent any chances of calluses developing. Weight is the main thing that causes pressure on your dog’s joints and this is what leads to calluses. 

The less weight that a dog has rested on the ground, the less pressure and friction will be caused on the joints. This greatly reduces the chances of calluses developing. 

Moisturizing Balm

If you discover that your dog has calluses, try using a moisturizing balm on them as soon as possible. This will prevent the calluses from getting any worse so you can keep them from cracking which ultimately results in bleeding. 

Be sure that any moisturizing balms you use are non-toxic to dogs. You may need to try a few different balms to find one that works. Also, keep an eye on your dog to ensure they don’t lick off all of the balm before it has time to soak into the callus. 

Provide Soft Surfaces

You can prevent calluses from occurring by ensuring that your dog has soft places to lie down. A soft bed works great for when they want to sleep or nap and a rug, blanket, or carpet area is perfect for when they are just lounging. 

The less time your dog spends lying on hard surfaces, the quicker the calluses will heal and the less likely they are to crack. 

Callus Prevention Sleeves

You can buy callus prevention sleeves or pads which offer protection to your dog’s elbows and stops them from coming into contact with hard surfaces. 

Ensure that the sleeve is not too tight or too loose for your dog or this could cause a different type of injury. 

Do I Need to Call a Vet If My Dogs Elbows Are Bleeding?

If your dog seems to be in pain, is showing signs of infection, or has excessive bleeding, this is a good time to call your vet. 

Your vet may suggest that you don’t need to book an appointment, however, they can give you the best advice on an effective course of treatment. The vet will also be able to give you a list of things to look out for so that you know if the treatment is working or not. 

Final Thoughts

Dog elbow calluses are often not a huge problem until they become cracked and start to bleed. We have provided you with some of the best ways to prevent elbow calluses from becoming cracked and infected. 

If you are worried at all about your dog’s elbow calluses, the best thing you can do is call your vet for advice.